Friday, 15 June 2012

Thea and Geronimo Stilton

These are Thea and Geronimo Stilton, they are brothers.
They live in Ratonia, a village near "The Island of the Whales", they work in a newspaper "The Rodent's Gazette". Geronimo loves the classic music.
Thea works in her brother's newspaper, but she also works at"Ratford" University.  
And there, she met five perfect girls: Colette, Nicky, Pamela, Paulina and Violet, and together form: "Tea's Club"
*Nicky is very green and she loves the open spaces. She was born in the island of Skye, in Australia.
*Violet was born in China and she really likes the tea with aromatic herbs. She is very pacifist.
*Paulina was born in Perú and she is very good with at new technologies.
*Pamela was born in Tanzania. She's very good repairing breakdowns, she's going to be a mechanic. She hates the enclosed spaces, is claustrophobic!
*Colette was born in France, she is a little bit prick and she loves the colour pink. She washes her hair when she's stressed.
Well, I hope that you like my post and I also hope that you read Tea and Geronimo's books! 
Hee, hee, hee :)
PS: this is the link of the oficial web page of these special books: Geronimo's club and look more information at: Geronimo and Thea Stilton/Wikipedia.
PS2: I have created all the collages in: PicMonkey

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