Tuesday, 22 February 2011

My horse and me: the best friends in the world

Hi followers,
On this post, I'm going to talk about my horse and my passion for horses.
*My horse:
Name: Lena.
Age: 6 years old.
Birthday: August 15, the day of my "First communion" because it is my grandparent's gift of the communion.
Colour: all his body is brown but has got a white spot on his mouth and two white buddy-buddy.
Characteristics and personality: Lena is good with everybody, quiet and gentle when I ride in it.
Lena eats: all the grass from our farm and all the fruit and vegetables: tomatoes, carrots, apples, pears.......
Lena doesn't eat: meet, fish and some fruit for example: kiwis, peaches, watermelon, melon.......
*My passion for horses:
My passion for horses is very very big because I really like them.
When I ride horses, I'm happy, I get a smile on my face, I feel free.
Another thing: I ride a horse in a riding school called Casas Novas, in Larín, Arteixo.
Well, this is a little bit about Lena, my horse.
Do you like animals ?? And horses ??
Post a comment with your opinion about.
'Till in another post.
(Dedicated to my horse, Lena)

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