Tuesday 17 May 2011

Galician Literature Day: Lois Pereiro

Hello my dear students !!
I'm going to tell you information about "Galician Literature Day" and "Lois Pereiro":
Galician Literature Day
Is a public day observed in Galicia, Spain. Introduced by the Royal Galician Academy in 1963 it is a celebration of the Galician language and its literature. This celebration has taken place on May 17 since 1963. In the year 1991 was declared as a public holiday in all Galicia. The first celebration took place in 1963 to commemorate the centenary of Cantares gallegos, the first work written in the Galician language by Rosalía de Castro.
Lois Pereiro
He was born in Monforte de Lemos (Lugo), 16 February 1958. And he was died in A Coruña, May 24 1996 with 38 years old.
He was born in a family from O Incio. He studied in the school of the Escolapios, and began to write with 15 years. After finalising the COU left to Madrid, where he initiated the university studies of Political Sciences and Sociology. After a stay in Monforte working in the family company, devoted to the glass industry, he returned to Madrid to study English, French and German. There he founded the magazine Loia with Antón Patiño, Manuel Rivas and his brother Xosé Manuel Pereiro.
*More information at: Lois Pereiro at Wikipedia and Galician Literature Day at Wikipedia.

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